Bahá'í Faith in Lynchburg, Virginia Metro Area

Bahá'í Faith in Lynchburg, Virginia Metro Area

Serving Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, Campbell counties and Lynchburg

Study Circles




Circles of study, open to all, enable people of varied backgrounds to advance on equal footing and explore the application of the Bahá’í teachings to their individual and collective lives.  Bahá’í study circles provide participants with the knowledge, spiritual insights and skills to enable them to contribute to the betterment of society, starting with their own neighborhood. This is done through systematic study of a sequence of courses based on the Bahá’í Writings using the courses of the Ruhi Institute.

Study circles are held all around the region and across the globe. Study circles are held in an uplifting environment conducive to the spiritual empowerment of individuals, who come to see themselves as active agents of their own learning. The role of the study circle facilitator is not to impart knowledge, but to assist discussion, learning, and action. Study circles feature participatory learning, carrying out acts of service, and the use of the arts.

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